Friday, August 3, 2012

A Step into the International Choir Competition

     Hello guys, I'm back!
Well, maybe not for long. I had a bad internet connection here.

     Okay! So, in this post I'd like to write about my first experience in joining a Choir group.
And we're entering an International competition at Guangzhou, China in early November! while i'm still in a such a you age!
     Well, I actually joined the choir because I noticed that my school's choir is about to enter the competition, I was just--dilly-dallying. But who knows, I passed the choir's requirements and I'm officially a part of Gita Swara Nassa Goes To Guangzhou (or locally known as GSN Choir)!
I don't really have that much experience in singing in a choir, but as a 2nd Soprano (or more likely as the second voice after the melody) I picked up some lessons from my senior friends :]

I'll just stop drawing singing for a second.

    And have I mention you that one of the song for the competition called "El Guayaboso" is pretty difficult? Well... Just try to look for one in YouTube. It IS difficult.