Friday, August 3, 2012

A Step into the International Choir Competition

     Hello guys, I'm back!
Well, maybe not for long. I had a bad internet connection here.

     Okay! So, in this post I'd like to write about my first experience in joining a Choir group.
And we're entering an International competition at Guangzhou, China in early November! while i'm still in a such a you age!
     Well, I actually joined the choir because I noticed that my school's choir is about to enter the competition, I was just--dilly-dallying. But who knows, I passed the choir's requirements and I'm officially a part of Gita Swara Nassa Goes To Guangzhou (or locally known as GSN Choir)!
I don't really have that much experience in singing in a choir, but as a 2nd Soprano (or more likely as the second voice after the melody) I picked up some lessons from my senior friends :]

I'll just stop drawing singing for a second.

    And have I mention you that one of the song for the competition called "El Guayaboso" is pretty difficult? Well... Just try to look for one in YouTube. It IS difficult.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

My Human-Kid OC [homestuck]

   Aww yeah finally managed to draw my Human-Kid OC for the Homestuck fandom! :cheers:

   Actually, I did my Human-Kid OCs concepts before. But I haven't got the chance to draw them digitally. And when I did, I think I'm doing something different. I tried to mimic Andrew Hussie's style on drawing characters, and somehow I also tried to animate the picture little-by-little.

And it worked.

Let me show you...
Ah here it is!

My Female Human-Kid OC, Hill Fender

   For you who have read Homestuck, you might find her looked like Jade Harley, the 4th--maybe--cannon Human-Kid in Homestuck (and specifically from the Universe A--or the first universe)

I did take some references from Jade Harley because I adore her much. she's so COOL!
(Incase you didn't know who is Jade Harley, click here to take a peek! --Oh wait, here's the awesome-er Jade i found so far--I haven't read till the newest update thought)
But i made her hair blond--or maybe brunette if it were allowed--and her personality is quite bossy--despite she loves to collect artifacts and explore through the world's mythologies,--she considers herself as the most knowledgable.

The Male Humankid-OC is coming soon, Keep an eye fellows!

Drawing/Character, Hill Fender (c) Me
MSPA/Homestuck (c) Andrew Hussie

Monday, June 11, 2012

Hawkeye & Loki - Midnight Crew Style (Shadow)

  Yup, as the title says, I drew Hawkeye and Loki--from the avengers if you don't know, but I seriously doubt that--in sort of Midnight Crew's style :D

Here's the look of Midnight Crew, If you're asking!

Did I do well?
I'm not that good at details, so please, enjoy as much as I can give :D

Drawing (c) Me
Hawkeye/Loki (c) MARVEL
Midnight Crew (c) Andrew Hussie (MSPA)

Avengers Doodle - Chibis

  Doodle YES I meant a real doodle.
I was bored and somehow, something's stucked in my mind. Having no success in getting rid of the annoying thoughts, I decided to mix them up into some doodling manners.

I just drew Hawkeye, Captain America, Thor, and [somewhat-derp-looking] Iron man.
A bit crappy thought. But, who cares? As long they're good-looking, I don't mind :D

Here's Hawkeye for you :D
Chibi/Doodled Hawkeye

And here comes Captain America!
Chibi/Doodled Captain America

Thor came, descends from the Asgard with his mighty Mjolnir :D
Chibi/Doodled Thor

And finally, the awesome--i can say the tad-bit derp--Iron Man! :D
Chibi/Doodled Iron Man

   I'm not quite sure I made them detailed, but enjoy, perhaps?
   Drawings (c) Me
   The Heroes (c) MARVEL

Saturday, June 9, 2012

First Post - Doodle of my Vocaloid OC

Um. Her name is Riku Nii if i'm not mistaken.
i sucks at giving japanese names.

   Drawn using Paint Tool SAI. And i'm just practicing how to colour hair in SAI, I suppose i did good. Probably.

[update] Anyways, this is my first post, but I just update this and added something I just learned from this blog Ohonhonhon :>

Drawing, Character/Riku Nii (c) Me
Vocaloid (c) [i forgot]